Barometric Changes & Fibromyalgia
Barometric pressure measures the weight of the air around us. Sunny days have a higher barometric pressure and stormy days have a low barometric pressure.
- asserts that a 1981 study found that 90 percent of those people with fibromyalgia reported that the weather greatly influenced the severity of their symptoms. A study in Norway in 2002 found that fibromyalgia symptoms tend to worsen when the barometric pressure drops.
According to, patients with fibromyalgia often report that sudden changes in the barometric pressure affect their levels of fatigue and pain. Also, they report that the barometric pressure changes affect their sleep and cause headaches.
According to John Hopkins Medicine, a drop in barometric pressure and/or temperature causes the body's tissues to expand. This swelling may increase fibromyalgia pain.
Fibromyalgia sufferers do not need to pack up and move to a warm, dry climate. John Hopkins Medicine recommends that patients use exercise to manage pain symptoms.