Types & Symptoms of Inflammatory Diseases
Yeast Infection
Both men and women can get yeast infections, which can occur in the mouth (oral thrush) or genitals. Yeast infections often occur because of an over-proliferation of candida albicans in the digestive tract and colon, which is called candidiasis, according to the article "Candidiasis (Yeast Infection)" at emedicinehealth.com. Symptoms can include itching, burning, redness, soreness and even blisters.
Tendonitis is an inflammatory disease that affects body tendons that connect bone to muscle. Tendonitis occurs in joints such as the elbow, shoulder, knee, hips, fingers and even between spinal vertebrae. Tendonitis is often caused by repetitive movements in sports or on the job, which cause tendons to rub against prominent bones. Symptoms of tendonitis can include mild to severe pain in tendons or loss of motion in a specific joint. Sometimes, tendonitis pain can create a burning sensation or even numbness. (See reference 2 and resource 1)
Arthritis is a degeneration of cartilage between bones that causes inflammation in a person's joints. Symptoms can range from mild intermittent pain to severe surging pain in joints like the fingers, knees, hips and vertebrae in the lower back or neck. Arthritis is disabling for some people as it can severely restrict a person's joint mobility. Arthritis is more common after a person reaches 40, according to the article "Arthritis and Tendinitis" at webmd.com.
Asthma is an inflammatory condition of the lungs that can affect people of all ages. Asthma can be caused by the common cold or allergies to pollen, mold, pets or certain foods. Symptoms of asthma include shortness or breath, coughing, wheezing and aching lungs. (See reference 3)
Hepatitis is the inflammation of the liver. The disease is either acute from certain infections or more chronic. Some people with hepatitis may have no symptoms at all. Others may experience nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, stomach pain, aching muscles or vomiting. (See reference 3)
Eczema is an inflammation of the skin. It can be caused by an infection or allergic reaction. Symptoms of eczema can include itching, swelling, redness, blistering and ulcerations of the skin. (See reference 3)
Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinus cavities. Sinusitis can be either acute or chronic. Acute sinusitis is usually caused by an infection, such as a cold. Chronic sinusitis can be recurring and is often caused by allergies, chemicals or pollutants. Sinusitis symptoms usually include a stuffy head, nasal congestion, headache and sometimes a fever. (See reference 3)