Signs & Symptoms of Bone Disease
Paget's Disease
Normally, your bone goes through a cycle of breaking down and rebuilding. Paget's disease is a type of bone disease that disrupts the "recycling" of bone matter. This can eventually cause misshapen and fragile bones. It often results in discomfort in your joints and bones. Some people do not experience any symptoms. Others may have symptoms in one specific area, whereas other patients may have widespread symptoms. According to the Mayo Clinic, some common symptoms of Paget's disease include a constant, aching bone pain that may worsen at night. The joints may become swollen, stiff and painful. If the bones become too large and compress nerves, symptoms can include numbness, tingling, vision problems, hearing loss and weakness. Patients may also suffer fractures.
Myeloma Bone Disease
Myeloma bone disease is a type of cancer of the plasma cells, which are white blood cells. Myeloma cells are abnormal plasma cells that accumulate in bone and bone marrow. Myeloma bone disease may result in symptoms such as urination problems, back and rib pain, numbness or weakness in the legs, bone pain and bone fractures. According to the University of Virginia, myeloma can also cause weight loss, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, infections, constipation and weakness.
Bone Cancer
Bone cancer is a very specific type of cancer that originates in the bones; this is distinguished from other cancers, such as myeloma bone disease, that begin elsewhere but affect the bones. This cancer may affect any bone in your body. Some common symptoms of bone cancer, according to the Mayo Clinic are fatigue, weakened bones, fractures, unintended weight loss, bone pain and tenderness and swelling around the affected bone.