Common Signs of Skin Disease
Lasting redness in areas, red lines or a flushed appearance can be a sign of skin disease. These are common symptoms of Rosacea.
Groups of red or white bumps and sacs that discharge white or yellow fluid or blood are often associated with skin diseases or acne.
Scaly Skin
Skin disease can cause dry, itchy, scaly skin that may flake when touched, as in Psoriasis. Symptoms may worsen in cold, dry environments.
Swollen areas
Reddened swollen areas of skin that may be tender to the tough are seen with Seborrheic Dermatitis.
Cracked Skin
Skin that is thickened, red, dry and cracked can be a signal that skin disease, such as eczema, is present. The affected areas are often painful, and they may bleed.