How to Use Gold in Cancer Treatments
Consult with your primary health care physician about the availability of clinical trials for the use of gold nanoparticles in cancer treatment. Because the use of gold in cancer treatments is still in testing stages, it will be available only in certain locations in clinical trials.
Allow the supervising doctor to inject your body with gold nanoparticles bonded with targeting molecules. These targeting molecules will act to lure the nanoparticles directly to cancerous cells, bypassing healthy tissue and alleviating many of the adverse effects present with conventional treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Use radio waves or targeted light waves to superheat the gold nanoparticles. This increase in heat will serve to kill the cancer cells to which the nanoparticles are attached, destroying the tumor while minimizing damage to the surrounding tissue, leaving you cancer-free with a minimum of expense and unwanted ancillary effects.