Gamblers Anonymous Information
What is compulsive gambling?
Compulsive gambling is an illness. It usually progresses in severity and nature. There is no cure, but compulsive gamblers can live happy, productive lives with proper treatment.
How can you tell if you are suffering from compulsive gambling?
If gambling is slowly taking over your life or affecting your everyday routine, you are beginning to suffer from compulsive gambling. Gambling can cause financial difficulties and can consume your thoughts even when you aren't gambling. If you are ignoring family in order to gamble, you may have a compulsive gambling problem.
What is Gamblers Anonymous?
Gamblers Anonymous is a nonprofit organization that helps treat compulsive gamblers. There is no cost to join, and the group is supported wholly by donations from members. Members complete a 12-step program to stop compulsive gambling.
How do you join Gamblers Anonymous?
Visit the international website at to locate a meeting group near you. Showing up at a meeting is the first step to managing your compulsive gambling. There are no requirements and it is completely anonymous; your friends and family will not know that you are seeking treatment.
What is the 12 step program?
The 12-step Gamblers Anonymous program is a journey of recovery and acceptance. The first step is admitting you have a compulsive gambling problem, and the program builds from there. It has been used to treat compulsive gamblers since 1957 and has thousands of 12-step program "graduates" who believe it works.