Deaths From Preventable Disease

There are numerous deaths from preventable diseases which could have been avoided through proper intervention. These can be broadly classified as childhood diseases and chronic diseases. Childhood preventable diseases that cause death occur mainly in developing countries, due to infections that can be prevented through vaccination, education and early treatment. Chronic diseases and the resultant death can be prevented by lifestyle modifications.
  1. Significance

    • A staggering 2.5 million children die every year of diseases for which vaccines are already available. Deaths due to diseases like diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus are showing a downward trend. Some like small pox have been eradicated. Others like polio are on the verge of eradication. However, diseases due to rota virus and pneumococcus, both of which are preventable account for nearly 1.26 million deaths annually. Hepatitis B causes nearly 600,000 deaths annually. Measles accounts for another 200,000 deaths.

    Preventable Diseases in Children

    • The other causes of preventable diseases in children are related to drinking water, sanitation, personal hygiene and environmental hygiene. Diarrheal diseases account for 1.4 million deaths per year. Malaria kills approximately half a million people a year, 90 percent of whom are children. These together with malnutrition account for a large number of deaths from preventable diseases in children. Providing potable drinking water and educating people on the importance of hygiene are the strategies being employed to bring down this number.

    Hypertension and Diabetes

    • Hypertension, which in the long run is associated with increased mortality due to cardiovascular diseases is a cause of death due to preventable disease albeit indirectly. It can be prevented by modifications in lifestyle. The modifications include weight loss, dietary sodium restriction, increased physical activity and moderation in alcohol consumption.

      Diabetes is another killer disease that can be prevented or at least its onset postponed by exercising regularly and controlling weight.

    Causes of Death Due to Smoking and Drinking

    • Smoking can lead to a number of diseases that cause death. It is the number one cause of preventable death in the United States. Worldwide, 5 million deaths annually are attributed to smoking. The causes of death due to smoking include cardiovascular diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and lung cancer. It has also been associated with mouth, throat, kidney, pancreases and bladder cancer. Quitting smoking reduces one's mortality ratio regardless of age.

      Alcohol consumption is associated with multiple adverse health consequences which can lead to death. It includes cirrhosis and various types of cancer.


    • Thus, there are a wide variety of preventable diseases that cause death. Infectious diseases occur mostly in developing countries. Diseases classified as chronic diseases are more common in developed nations.

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