Use of Clorox in Treating Ringworm
Clorox Ringworm Treatment
Clorox is a home remedy treatment for ringworm that may produce some redness, but is otherwise safe to apply to your skin. Mix 1 ¾ cups of Clorox bleach with 2 cups of water in a large bowl or pot. Stir the solution with a spoon or other instrument. Make sure you are using original Clorox bleach that contains sodium hypochlorite and water and not all the other additives.
Use a cotton ball to apply the Clorox solution to the affected ringworm area. Let the solution set on the area for about 15 seconds then wash it off. You will notice a slight burning sensation and some redness. Do not apply the Clorox solution to your skin if the ringworm infection is bleeding or open.
Treatment Time
Dab the affected ringworm area with a Clorox solution-soaked cotton ball every three hours for two days. Use a clean cotton ball each time and make a fresh batch of Clorox solution each day. Keep the Clorox solution covered with a piece of plastic wrap. The ringworm infection will clear in about two days. A scar may remain, but it will fade.
Dilution Ratios
If you notice an allergic reaction to the Clorox solution, dilute the Clorox to a mixture of 1 cup Clorox and 3 cups of water or discontinue using the Clorox solution and see your doctor about another treatment for your ringworm infection.
Do not use full-strength Clorox on your ringworm infection. The full-strength bleach will irritate your skin. Test the Clorox solution on a small area of your body first to see if you have an allergic reaction to the solution. If the ringworm infection does not clear up in three days, discontinue using the Clorox solution and see your doctor.
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