Alkaloids Cancer Treatment
How it Works
Vinca alkaloids are administered intravenously into the body, where the liver metabolizes and excretes them. They halt mitosis in cancer cells, which leads to the death of these cells.
Vinblastine is used in cases of breast cancer, testicular cancer, and lymphomas. Side effects include nausea, vomiting, swelling of lower legs, and hair loss.
Vincristine is used to treat leukemia, lymphomas, and neuroblastoma. It may cause lowered blood cell count, weakness, nervous system problems or double vision.
Vindesine is used to treat lung cancer, leukemia, breast cancer, and colorectal cancer. It may cause hair loss, nausea, constipation, or decrease in blood platelets.
Vinorelbene has been used to treat testicular cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer and lung cancer. Side effects may include shortness of breath, hair loss or constipation.