How to Build the Immune System After a Lot of X-Rays
Consume foods rich in vitamin C. Diets high in vitamin C are linked to the prevention of all kinds of cancers, especially those caused by overexposure to radiation. Vitamin C also boosts your immune system. Excellent sources of this vitamin are green peppers, broccoli, oranges and cantaloupes. Eat 2 cups of vitamin-C-rich foods every day.
Eat foods high in zinc every day. This mineral strengthens your immune system and enhances cell regeneration. Zinc also increases the number of lymphocytes, which fight against developing cancer cells. Dietary sources of zinc are pumpkin seeds, potatoes, yogurt and brown rice.
Drink 1 to 2 liters of water per day. Drinking enough water builds up your immune system, assists your body in cell regeneration and helps your liver and kidneys eliminate toxins, damaged cells, heavy metals, microorganisms and radioactive residues in the form of urine.
Eat foods rich in carotenoids every day. These antioxidants strengthen your immune system by making lymphocytes. Lymphocytes are cells that can attack cells that have mutated and turned cancerous after overexposure to radiation. Excellent sources for carotenoids are tomatoes, carrots, oranges and leafy green vegetables.
Exercise daily. Exercising on a regular basis can boost your immune system and help your body flush out cancer-causing cells through sweat and urine. Additionally, exercise can increase your blood flow, improving circulation so that all the cells of your immune system help to eliminate carcinogens quickly.