Does MSG Contribute to Crohn's Disease?
With Crohn's disease, symptoms can come on quickly or gradually. You might feel bloated, have diarrhea, stomach pain and cramping, ulcers, bloody stool, weight changes, malnutrition and minimal appetite according to the Mayo Clinic. Even fatigue, fever, skin issues, bile duct inflammation, bowel obstruction and more can occur.
Those with Crohn's disease need to adapt their diet to reduce flare-ups and the chance of bowel obstruction. However, at this time, there is no universal recommended diet for those with Crohn's disease. Some with the disease can tolerate specific foods, while others cannot.
MSG stands for monosodium glutamate. It is a preservative that is used in foods. It is commonly found in bouillon cubes, ranch dressing, deli meats, fast food, gravy and dipping sauces according to's website. This organization believes that MSG aggravates chronic medical conditions.
MSG and Crohn's Disease
According to, those with Crohn's disease should avoid MSG. It is a food trigger that might cause a flare-up or contribute to increased symptoms. This has not been confirmed by documented scientific research as of yet.
Besides specific foods that can trigger a Crohn's disease flare-up, cigarette smoking is cited as a major trigger according to Merck Manual's online library. Stress is another factor that may provoke symptoms.