What Is Vulvar Dysplasia?
Generally vulvar dysplasia is caused by one of two factors. Women exposed the sexually transmitted disease human papillomavirus (HPV) and women who have chronic skin issues in their vulvar area are most likely to develop the condition.
An itching burning vulva, the development of lesions, or warts, on the vulvar skin, and vulvar bleeding are the most common symptoms of the condition. Abnormal vulvar growth may also appear in extreme cases or in cases where the condition is ignored for some time.
Cancer Risk
Very few, less than 10 percent, of all women treated for vulvar dysplasia go on to develop cancer if they have the initial condition treated. The longer vulvar dysplasia is ignored, the higher the risk factor becomes.
Generally surgical removal of the abnormal vuvlar tissue is the most effective treatment. This can be done by scalpel or by laser depending on the specifics of the condition.
The most effective way to prevent vulvar dysplasia is by practicing safe sex routinely, and having few sexual partners. Also, women should seriously consider vaccination against HPV infection to lower their risk of developing vulvar dysplasia and other more serious and related conditions.