Natural Treatments for Stomach Cancer
Mind-Body Therapy
Focused on the roles of faith, feelings, and behaviors in recovery from stomach cancer, mind-body therapy uses varied techniques. Counseling, hypnosis, biofeedback, imagery, visualization, meditation, and music may improve immune responses.
Nutrition Therapy
The raw food diet, wheatgrass therapy, and macrobiotic diets are examples of natural nutritional treatments. World's Healthiest Foods points to a review of studies published in the 1994 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Consumption of vegetables belonging to the Brassicaceae family was overwhelmingly associated with a lower incidence of stomach cancer. Brassicaceae vegetables include broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, and cauliflower. Evidence suggests high levels of the amino acid glutamine in cabbage stimulates healing of the lining of the stomach.
Body Work
Reflexology, acupuncture, massage, and reiki are alternative treatments collectively known as body work. Useful for pain management, they also aim to balance energies thought to play a role in cancer survival. Accupressure's ability to relieve nausea and vomiting during chemotherapy for postoperative stomach cancer patients is acknowledged by The American Cancer Society, which lists Asian Bodywork on their Making Treatment Decisions webpage.
Herbal Therapy
An ancient form of medicine, herbs are thought to help the body eliminate cancer cells. Essiac herbal tea is a combination formula developed by a Canadian nurse who used it to treat her aunt's stomach cancer.
Get information from others with stomach cancer who have used nature treatments, if possible. Make decisions based on comfortable levels of personal commitment, beliefs, finances, and need for medical services.