Is Lifeline Screening Effective?
Lifeline began 17 years ago to provide heath screenings to the masses. Screenings are available throughout the United States, as well as in Ireland and the UK. It's possible to schedule individual tests or to purchase packets that suit the client's needs specifically.
Screenings are available in many areas: stroke, heart disease, osteoporosis, cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, abdominal aneurysms and more.
Cost ranges from about $50 per test, to more than $200 for a full package. For someone who doesn't have insurance and would be unlikely to be able to afford this testing otherwise, however, this may still be a good deal.
Knowing about these problems, or the potential for them, can allow a client to seek early treatment and hopefully expand his options. If all the tests come back fine, usually within three weeks after being reviewed by heath care professionals, the client will probably feel tremendous peace of mind.
What Methods are Used for Testing?
Lifeline screening is usually composed of ultrasounds and blood drawn from the finger, in some locations, electrocardiograph is also available.
Is Screening Neccessary for Most People?
Although Lifeline screening is very beneficial to some, especially those in high risk groups, for the average person it may be unnecessary. If possible, speak with your doctor about whether you are in a group that would benefit from this extensive testing. If not, it may cause unneeded expense and worry.