How to Get Rid of Molluscum Contagiosum
Understanding Molluscum Contagiosum
Look at the infected part of your body. If you have the virus it will look like pinkish or flesh color growths. These often turn red or become inflamed and bleed. Mollusca can appear any where on the body but usually on the crotch or underarm. Other common areas it appears includes, the chest, face, and arms.
Preventing the spread of the virus often presents a challenging task. However you can prevent it from spreading and reaching other areas of your body, or spreading to other people and these include not rubbing, touching, scratching, shaving raises, not having sexual intercourse until the virus the treated and not sharing your personal items with others.
Rid yourself of the virus by getting a prescription of Imiquimod from your doctor or for more severe cases getting cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen) or laser treatments. Astringents containing the chemicals Trichloroacetic Acid, and podophyllin resin, have also proven successful in ridding sufferers of the virus. However for those choosing not to undergo treatment, your body will eventually get rid of the virus, but it can take anywhere from 2 weeks to 4 years, the average is 2 years.