What Causes an Inflamed Spleen?
People with an inflamed spleen are often unaware of the fact that their spleen is inflamed. It is most often discovered during routine physical examinations.
Viral Infection
Viral infections are one cause of inflamed spleens. Mononucleosis is the most common viral infection that results in an inflamed spleen.
Bacterial Infections
Bacterial infections including, but not limited to, syphilis and endocarditis (an infection in lining of the heart) can cause the spleen to become inflamed.
Parasitic Infections
Malaria is an example of a parasitic infection that can result in an inflamed spleen.
Liver Disease
Liver disease including, but not limited to, cirrhosis can cause the spleen to become inflamed.
Blood Cancers
Leukemia, Hodgkin’s disease and other blood cancers can cause inflammation of the spleen.