How to Kill Salmonella in Factories

Salmonella is a type of bacteria that can cause intestinal infections resulting in undesirable effects such as dehydration, diarrhea, and possible bacteremia (infection of your tissues). Salmonella poisoning is usually the result of ingesting contaminated food products that have been mishandled. Though food poisoning is preventable, salmonella outbreaks can still occur. If you're an employer of an establishment, such as a slaughterhouse, it is your responsibility to ensure that your factory effectively controls any possible contamination of products that are shipped to consumers.


  1. Methods

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      Irradiate food products such as meat and poultry. According to the Food Safety and Inspection Service, irradiation helps to kill harmful bacteria. Irradiation uses electromagnetic waves to kill bacteria in food products. Even after irradiation, some products such as produce should be thoroughly washed externally after being handled by employees prior to shipping.

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      Instill a clean environment amongst employees. This means that employees should establish a method for washing their hands, cleaning equipment, and ensuring that food products are properly inspected prior to shipment.

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      Use vacuum and steam treatment. This is a process in which meat or poultry are sealed in a vacuum chamber to eliminate air within the chamber. The meat or poultry is then blased with a burst of steam at a temperature of 290 degrees Fahrenheit. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, removing air prior to steam treatment is more effective in killing bacteria.

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      Pasteurize dairy products if you own a dairy factory. Pasteurization is similar to irradiation methods in helping to kill harmful bacteria.

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      Keep your animals and the environment your animals are contained in clean during the pasteurization process. Unsanitary conditions need to be eliminated to prevent the spread of salmonella to potential consumers.

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