How to Clear the Adrenal Glands
Things You'll Need
- kelp
- wheat germ
- almonds
- raisins
- parsley
- peanuts
- sunflower seeds
- Brazil nuts
- chamomile tea
Learn stress management techniques. The adrenal glands respond to stress by producing hormones that help us cope with stressors. Engaging in stress management techniques, such as deep breathing exercises or meditating, will help to strengthen your body’s stress response providing your exhausted adrenal glands a much-needed break.
Consume a whole-food diet that is high in potassium and low in sodium. Your adrenal glands need a number of vitamins and minerals to function at optimal levels. Potassium is essential. Experts recommend three to five grams of potassium intake a day. Rich sources of potassium include kelp, wheat germ, almonds, raisins, parsley, peanuts, sunflower seeds and Brazil nuts. Also, avoid processed foods that are high in sodium and other additives which have a negative impact on adrenal function. A diet that mainly includes an array of organic vegetables, nuts, lean proteins and whole grains is one of the best ways to help restore adrenal health.
Avoid stimulants. Stimulants, such as caffeine, kola nut, guarana and ephedra, cause the adrenal glands to work extra hard to make energy after the caffeine ‘crash.’ Opt for supporting healthy energy levels by engaging in a regular exercising routine instead. If you currently do not exercise, talk to your doctor for advice on a work-out routine that is right for you.
Limit your consumption of artificial sweeteners and products containing refined sugars. Refined sugars and artificial sweeteners make your blood sugar levels go up and down taxing the adrenal glands and your entire endocrine system. A low-glycemic diet will not only help your adrenal glands to recover normal function, it will help to stabilize your blood sugar levels which will minimize stress on your entire body.
Get sufficient sleep each night. Sleeping is as essential to your body as food and water. Getting sufficient sleep will help clear a path of recovery for your adrenal glands. If you have a hard time going to sleep because of stress, drink a relaxing herbal tea an hour before you go to bed at night. This will help your body ease into a new routine and promote regular sleep patterns. Chamomile is a great option and is well known for its stress-reducing properties and sleep-promoting qualities. Chamomile also helps to ease mild anxiety and common nerves, a common culprit of insomnia.