How to Diagnose Illness From Body Odor
How to Diagnose Illness From Body Odor
Improve your hygiene. First, rule out the possibility that poor hygiene could be the culprit. Up your showers to twice a day and make sure to use deodorant. Watch your diet. Do not eat any strongly flavored foods, like garlic or spices. If you are still experiencing body odor issues after eliminating improper hygiene and diet as causes, you may have an illness.
Determine the point of origin for the odor. Vaginal or penile discharge can cause body odor that could be a sign of a potential yeast infection or STD. If your feet give off a foul odor, you could have athlete's foot. According to Dr. R. Kenneth Landow, people with diabetes and people with urinary tract infections will develop a fruity smell all over their skins. Whether it's one part of your body or your entire body emitting a smell, location is key to diagnosing a health problem.
Seek your doctor's advice. You've ruled out controllable causes of body odor and possibly diagnosed yourself. But treatment is a different story and should be handled by your doctor.