Types Of Etiology
Congenital diseases are acquired while the fetus is developing in the uterus of the mother. Unlike hereditary diseases, congenital diseases are unlikely to be passed on to further generations. Typically, congenital diseases are caused by infections contracted by the mother during pregnancy. However, other medical issues can be caused by various problems with the fetus while in the womb. For example, a fetal stroke is believed to be one cause of cerebral palsy.
Hereditary diseases are passed through the generations through genetics. Blindness or a tendency to diabetes are examples of medical issues that parents can pass down to children. While diseases can be passed down, it is not necessarily a given that the fetus will inherit the disease. The inheritance of the disease depends entirely on the genes obtained from the parents and can often be tested while the fetus is still in the womb.
Chemicals are another possible cause of various diseases. These chemicals come in many forms. Radiology and chemical agents, such as caffeine and heavy metallic ions, are known to cause cancer, among various other illnesses. Other chemicals, such as arsenic, can cause anything from discomfort to death, depending on the dosage. Toxicology tests help doctors to diagnose the problems and find a possible cure.
Several diseases can also be caused by trauma, whether mental or physical. Physical trauma, or an injury afflicted to the body, can cause more problems than simple bleeding. These wounds, such as head trauma, can also cause a patient to experience amnesia, experience headaches or slip into a coma. Mental trauma is another type of injury that can cause problems with the human body. Diseases like Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are caused by severe mental trauma experienced during war or another psychologically damaging event.
When considering etiology, it is also important to look at pathogens. Bacteria and viruses account for many of the common illnesses experienced by humans. These microscopic, infectious organisms carry disease from person to person through bodily contact. The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is one example of a pathogen that can be spread via contact with an infected person.