How to Detect PCOS
Keep track of your menstrual cycle, as irregularities in the cycle are one of the earliest indications of PCOS. Many women experience as few as nine periods per year, while periods are completely absent for other women. PCOS often causes infertility, so if you've been trying to get pregnant without success, it could be an indication of PCOS.
Take note of any physical changes you are experiencing. PCOS can trigger acne, particularly around the chin and back. It can also trigger weight gain and difficulty losing weight. Excess hair growth is another common symptom caused by PCOS.
Make an appointment with your doctor. Tell her about any and all symptoms you've experienced. Your doctor will perform a thorough physical examination and may conduct additional tests to determine if you have PCOS, such as a pelvic ultrasound to check for cysts and enlargement of the ovaries.