Types of Spirochete Bacteria
The Treponema genus of spirochete bacteria includes the organisms causing the sexually transmitted disease syphilis, a skin disease called pinta, and yaws, a skin infection that later affects bones. Some Treponema varieties also cause necrotizing, ulcerative gingivitis and other gum diseases. Although many bacteria of this genus are both pathogenic and parasitic, some aid digestion in cattle.
Borrelia, a parasitic genus of spirochetes, refers to a group of bacteria that are coiled more irregularly than other spirochetes. These bacteria spread to humans and animals through the bites of infected ticks and lice. Known mainly for causing relapsing fevers in infected humans, Borrelia strains also cause Lyme disease and several skin ailments.
Another genus of spirochetes, the Leptospira, includes bacteria that cause Leptospirosis. Although this disease usually occurs in wild and domestic mammals, humans exposed to the urine of infected animals can develop it as well. The disease's symptoms vary from person to person, as does the severity of illness, from no detectable symptoms, to systemic failure and even death.
Unlike many of their fellow spirochetes, the members of the Spirochaeta genus of spirochetes are considered non-pathogenic; they do not cause disease. They live in mud and water and other oxygen-free environments.