How to Lower My PSA
Visit your doctor. He or she will be able to screen your PSA levels and advise the best course of action. Never try to diagnose or treat yourself if you are not trained to do so.
Purchase over-the-counter painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs, as these have been proven to help lower your PSA levels. Make sure that only the recommended daily dosage is taken, otherwise you risk serious health issues.
Lower your cholesterol levels, as men with reduced cholesterol levels often have low PSA levels. Cholesterol can be reduced by taking prescription medications, or by an improved diet and exercise regime.
Take herbs to help reduce your PSA levels, such as PC-SPES: a Chinese supplement which includes licorice, isatis, ginseng and saw palmetto. Herbs are often used in Asia for lowering PSA levels, and this combination has been proven and endorsed through medical studies.