Tips on a Healthy Small Intestine

The small intestine plays an important role in the body's digestive system. It vitally participates in digestion, absorption and food transportation to other organs. It also produces enzymes that help break down food into smaller components. Understanding the role of the small intestine will help you know how better to care for it.
  1. Proper Diet

    • Proper nutrition is equivalent to good organ conditions. This is why diet plays an important role in maintaining a healthy small intestine. Adequate diet is recommended to ensure easy digestion. Moderation of everything is the key. Eating foods that are rich in fiber can help make bowel movement easier, but it is also unhealthy to overdo it. Fruits and vegetables are also good for your small intestine. Excessive eating of dairy products, pasta, bread, pizza and other foods rich in starch create yeast growth and can make the bowel slow-moving and may pose small intestine problems.

    Increase Water Consumption

    • Water plays an important role in cleansing the intestinal pathway to ensure the surface area is enough for the digestive process. Because of the small intestine's ability to absorb water, increasing water consumption helps clean it and the entire digestive system, beginning with the mouth and continuing into the esophagus, stomach, small intestine and large intestine, which flushes waste down to the rectum.


    • Exercise does not only make you physically fit, it can also improve organ functions and health. There are specific exercises for the small intestine that can strengthen it against blockages. One is the small intestine meridian balancing. This exercise is simple, but execute it correctly to get the best possible results. Sit on your heels and lower your head to the ground. Interlock your hands with palms facing one another at the bottom part of the spine. Inhale while stretching your arms upward. Hold this position for 30 seconds, then breathe deeply through your nose. Exhale and repeat the process

    Chew Well

    • Chewing is a basic activity that is mostly taken for granted by people who eat hurriedly. What many people don't realize is that chewing food well does magic in the digestive process. When we chew our foods well, they become easily coated with the mouth's saliva and digestive juices when they reach the stomach. Thus, the body uses less energy for digestion. In addition, nutrients from well-chewed foods are released and assimilated more quickly.

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