Assessment Tools for Alcohol & Other Drug Use
Alcohol Use
In the article, "Clinical diagnostic techniques and assessment tools in alcohol research," the most commonly used assessment for alcohol abuse is psychological tests, or surveys. They ask several questions about alcohol and its answers are then calculated to determine level of addiction.
Drug Use
Drug abuse, like alcohol abuse, is assessed by psychological testing. The Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and addictions states that tests number over a hundred should be analyzed by a professional.
Online Assessments
With internet sites such as, it is even possible to do self assessments online. These tests are simplistic and not a replacement for in depth psychological assessments.
Individualized Assessments
For some, licensed therapists and addiction professionals charge fees to assess someone's drug and alcohol abuse. This is costly and usually included with most rehabilitation centers.
The most important aspect of drug and alcohol treatment is that unless the user is ready and committed to stopping, assessments will be time consuming and futile.