Facts on Dual Diagnosis Relapse Prevention

Dual diagnosis happens when you have both a drug or alcohol problem as well as a mental disorder. These problems occur at the same time. Alcohol or drug problems tend to occur with certain mental illnesses. Among them are personality disorders , depression , anxiety disorders and schizophrenia. Rehabilitation is difficult and a process, as relapse may occur. The best chance to prevent a relapse is to get rehabilitation at a treatment facility that focuses on you, have the proper mindset when you finish, work to make sure you do not have a relapse, and have a support system that helps you if the temptation to relapse occurs.
  1. Dual Diagnosis

    • If you have both a mental illness and an alcohol or drug problem, sometimes the mental problem comes before the addiction problem. This mental illness sometimes brings you to use drugs or alcohol because using them makes you feel better temporarily. Sometimes the substance abuse happens first. Drug and alcohol abuse can lead to emotional and mental problems over time.

      To get better if you have a dual diagnosis, you must get treatment for both problems. You must go for a period of time without using alcohol or drugs first. After this detoxification, you must rehabilitate both the substance problem and the mental illness.


    • During rehabilitation you will receive integrated treatment which includes several things.
      Rehabilitation makes you think about why you use drugs or alcohol. You will discuss this confidentially, without the fear of any negative consequences. You will learn the facts about alcohol and drugs, how they interact with your mental illness, and how prescribed medications will make you feel better than using alcohol and drugs.

      As part of rehabilitation you will participate in supported employment and other services that will help you in your recovery. You will have goals that you develop along with specially trained professionals. You and they will decide on the steps you need to take to achieve these goals

    Proper Mindset

    • When you finish the first stage or rehabilitation, you are going to need further mental consistency to stay away from drugs and alcohol. You are going to probably need life long counseling. You must strive to keep your mind focused on what is ahead, have inner strength and have a positive attitude. This thinking is key to avoiding addiction relapse.

    Avoid Relapse

    • There will always be temptations to relapse. Your response is what is important. Make sure to take your medication. Do not miss appointments with your counselors. It is a best to remain where you live unless this environment has many triggers for you relapsing. Keep the same job. Hang out with people who do not do drugs or alcohol. The first few months of preventing relapse on your own are the most difficult. Take one day at a time and have a good support system.

    Strong Support System

    • To prevent relapse after rehabilitation, have a strong support system. Your therapist is a key part of your support system. Your support system may include some successful peers. Members of a self help group can be of great support to you. The choice is yours. Your family will be able to help keep you from relapsing if they understand your illness and your care. The more your family understands your problems, the higher the chances you will have a lasting recovery. Your family should be composed and sympathetic, rather than afraid or disapproving.

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