Family Agreements in Recovery
Rules should be clearly defined. Include a curfew for the recovering person living with a family member. Outline acceptable times for unannounced visits to friends and relatives.
Personal Property
Fully outline terms for loans, with consequences for failure to repay a loan or replace a previously stolen item.
Relapse Prevention
A relapse can easily occur when a recovering person has idle time. The contract can mandate that the recovering addict must be employed, take classes, volunteer or attend a treatment program.
Family Participation
An addict can change the dynamics of an entire family, causing relatives to feel angry, fearful and resentful. The family contract can help the family heal by including counseling or a support group for families of people in the grips of addition, such as Al-Anon.
When rules are broken or terms of the contract are violated, there should be firmly enforced repercussions---eviction, a return to rehab, or, if necessary, police intervention.