Social Benefits of Drug Rehabilitation
For the individual, the benefits of drug rehabilitation are enormous. Drugs chemically alter the way a person's brain acts, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Being off drugs can help a person be more of who he truly is, thus helping to improve his ability to be in and maintain close relationships with friends and family.
On a larger scale, society pays a high price for drug abuse. According to National Institute on Drug Abuse 1992 estimates, the total cost of drug abuse in the U.S. was over $97 billion. This total has been increasing since the 1970s. Based on study results given in April 2009, the total annual cost of drug abuse in the U.S. was about $180 billion. Through drug rehabilitation, this money, much of which is borne by the user and the user's family, can be put to better use.
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration publication, there are other societal benefits from successful drug rehabilitation. These include decreased absenteeism from work, reduced on-the-job accidents and fewer mistakes. The cost to Medicare and to hospitals also decreases, since there is less need for hospital stays and medical care for those who have undergone successful rehabilitation.