Alternative to sober living houses
Zero Tolerance
Sober living houses have a zero tolerance policy and do random testing. They do not allow any possible intoxicants, including certain mouthwashes, cold medicine and extracts. You can duplicate this sort of environment by removing intoxicants from your home. Have someone perform random drug and alcohol tests on you and conduct random searches. You may need to temporarily stay with a sober friend or relative if those you live with will not permit a "clean" home--remove yourself from nonsupportive situations and people, including family functions and social situations that involve drugs and alcohol. Develop relationships with sober people who will encourage you on your journey.
Sober living houses require all residents to attend a certain number of 12 Step or other program meetings. They also focus on openness and encouraging individual responsibility. Being accountable to someone for performing certain activities would have the same effect.
Create a written contract that holds you accountable for meeting obligations like chores, keeping a regular schedule, maintaining employment, paying bills on time and maintaining your sobriety. Establish consequences for not following through. Choose a person who is tough and reliable, but fair, to administer the contract.
Communal Living
In a sober living house, every resident shares a room with another, eliminating secrecy and creating a feeling of belonging. Create the openness and transparency of a sober living house to encourage a feeling of connection. Minimize the time you spend alone; try not to always come home to an empty house or apartment. Enlist friends and family to keep a consistent and visible presence near you. You need to fill the space in your life and in your heart that was filled by your habit.