Daily Activities at Drug Rehabilitation
Recovery focuses not only on ending the physical addiction of the substance, but also on searching for the psychological, mental and emotional reasons for the need to abuse. Most rehabilitation centers require attendance in a group therapy session where recovering addicts can share their personal stories and find solace in the similar struggles of others. Additionally, many rehabs might also require individual therapy sessions where one-on-one counseling is available with a drug counselor or therapist. Finally, many other patients may also benefit from family therapy, where family members are invited to discuss the patient’s substance abuse with the assistance of a professional counselor.
Life Skills
For many addicts, drugs and alcohol have been the main priority in their lives, which may mean they have chosen to ignore or have forgotten about basic, everyday tasks from personal hygiene to grocery shopping to working. As part of recovery, the patient is expected to slowly regain the responsibilities of life from fundamental household chores to becoming financially responsible. Certain tasks and skills, such as housecleaning, meal preparation, developing a work ethic and doing laundry, are added to the patient’s daily activity based on his progress with the program. Re-introducing these life skills to the patient’s daily life gives him the opportunity to adjust slowly to living without any substance abuse.
The 12-Step program is strongly rooted in the Christian faith and requires the acceptance of God. Many rehab centers follow this particular program because it has proven to be quite successful. However, there are many other rehabs that require some sort of spiritual acknowledgment as part of recovery. In addition to treating the body and mind, many recovery centers believe there needs to be an emphasis on treating the soul as well.
Physical Health
Many recovery centers provide bodily healing through nutrition education, physical activity and massage therapy. Drugs greatly damage the body, and patients must learn the importance of taking care of their bodies. Many rehab centers encourage some form of physical activity to prevent boredom and depression, which can often lead back to addiction. Physical activities can include: hikes, yoga, swimming, organized sports or, at its basic level, a gym.
Patients must learn how to cope by interacting with people without the substance abuse. Creative activities, such as painting or playing music or games, can encourage people to learn social skills that are not drug dependent.