How to Create Drug Addiction Program
Establish costs and plan your budget. Find out how you'll pay staff and the cost to operate the treatment facility. Options for funding include applying for grants, hosting fundraisers, asking for donations, and fee setting.
Determine the goals that you envision for your program. You can teach patients basic jobs skills; such as typing, the use of the computer, website design, and filing documents. After they've learned fundamental job skills, teach them job readiness skills, resume writing and how to interview. You might also consider a strictly mental health facility, without any life skills training, that consists counseling, psychiatric services, and/or dispensing medication for depression or anxiety.
Decide on the group that you'll serve in the addictions treatment program. A group of teens will need one type of service and young adults still another. The needs of each group differs; so determine, with your staff, the age group that your agency is best equipped to handle.
Establish a program that caters to the group you're serving. For instance, if you decide to work with formerly incarcerated women age 25-34 by helping them get drug free and enter the workforce, find out what their needs are and how best to serve them. Help them to establish a set of goals with clear guidelines and objectives that are easily monitored to determine progress.
Set a time table for the drug addiction program. Determine how long it should run and how many hours each session, class, or patient training should last. As an example, the drug treatment program meets for eight weeks, one day a week for two hours. The work training program is 10 weeks, two days a week, four hours each session.
Advertise your program to the community and others who can benefit from what your drug addictions programs offer. Write a press release stating when the facility opens for business, host an opening ceremony and invite churches, businesses, schools, parents, and individuals from the community. Talk about your facility to everyone. Put an add in the local newspapers, magazines and establish a web presence. Get the word out.
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