How to Get Someone Committed to Drug Rehabilitation
Things You'll Need
- Drug rehabilitation center
Confront the drug addict. Before an intervention takes place it is important to confront the drug addict individually. Sometimes the drug addict may become embarrassed and commit to joining a drug rehabilitation program. Usually a drug addict will deny the accusations and accuse the confronter of betrayal and distrust. Be prepared for difficult, irrational and sometimes violent reactions when confronting drug addicts.
Confront the drug addict and attempt an intervention. In an intervention, family and friends will express support and love for the drug addict while pointing out the pain and harm the individual's drug addiction has caused to family and friends. Several interventions may need to take place before the individual is convinced to join a drug program.
Bring the individual to the rehabilitation center. A drug addict with severe addiction will often lie about attending a drug rehabilitation program to alleviate family and friend’s concern and continue using drugs. It is important to accompany the drug addict and physically walk them through the steps of being admitted to the drug rehabilitation center. Drug addicts may need emotional and physical support while checking in. Supporting the drug addict through the check-in process can help ensure they admit themselves.
Commit the drug addict against their will. Children under the age of eighteen can be admitted to a drug rehabilitation facility against their will and legally contained throughout the treatment facility in most states. However, if you are dealing with an individual over the age of eighteen it is extremely difficult in most states to admit someone against their will. Exceptions are made for individuals that have attempted suicide or can be proven to be a danger to themselves or others around them. It is also possible to have someone committed to a mental health program against their will if they are deemed mentally ill. In most cases, though, it is extremely difficult to get someone committed to a drug rehabilitation center against their will.