What Is the Purpose of a Drug & Alcohol Test?
USA Today reports that a school in New Jersey randomly picked students to take a test which detects if alcohol has been drunk within the last three days. School violence has led many schools to incorporate drug and alcohol screenings into their curriculum.
Company Obligation
Erowid.org states that companies which employ drivers are mandated to drug test.
Company Insurance Discounts
Dol.gov states many companies drug test in an effort to receive discounted rates on health insurance which are then passed on to employees. They also receive discounted worker compensation fees.
Company Profits
Drug and alcohol abuse also affects a company's profits by lowered production, absenteeism and many other factors.
Parents may also drug and alcohol test their child in the privacy of their own home. These tests can be purchased from your local drug store and are an excellent tool if drug and alcohol use is suspected.
It is important to note that there are many substances which alter the results of drug testing and can be purchased online or from a local health store.