Effective Ways to Reduce Teenage Drug & Alcohol Abuse
Shut Down The Store At Home
Alcohol and drugs can be easily accessible to teenagers in the home, especially if their parents have an unlocked medicine or liquor cabinet. Many of the drugs given for anxiety and pain relief by prescription are drugs teenagers are seeking.
Opiates such as oxycodone and codeine--and tranquilizing drugs like valium--are found in many homes, drugs which are prescribed following an injury or surgery. These drugs should not be left in an area accessible to teens. Some teens believe that if a drug is given to parents, then it is safe for them, too.
Liquor may also be accessed by teens in the house. Teens have all kinds of tricks to avoid detection, such as pouring half of a bottle of liquor into a container for their use, and then filling the bottle back up with water to disguise that any has been taken.
Simply locking up a liquor or medicine cabinet and keeping the key away from teens will help prevent such theft.
Realistic Talk
Parents can start talking to their children at an early age about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. There are many strategies, but letting them know the facts works best.
Explain that many people have handled the drugs and you can never be sure of what is really in it. Use examples at an early age that the child will understand. Death and fear do not register to a young child as it would to an older one. Simple examples work best for younger children. The DARE group run by local police departments have booklets addressing these issues.
Planting a realistic fear of drugs can help keep your teen away from the substances that are killing their peers. The "Drugs are bad for you" speech is not enough, you need to give real life examples. Talk about the teens in your town--or teen stars--that have died or been severely injured due to drug and alcohol abuse.
Educated Parents
By educating yourself on the drugs that are prevalent in your area, you will not only be able to see an early warning sign in your child, but you can talk with them with realistic knowledge on the subject.
As a parent, get involved in the community and talk with representatives of the police department about what is going on with drugs and alcohol in your area. They will educate you on the type of drugs around, where the kids are getting them and the areas they choose to consume alcohol and drugs. You can even set up a meeting for other concerned parents and ask the police department to speak to the adults. An educated parent has the best chance at helping their teens stay away from alcohol and drugs.