Nicotine Patch and Liver Disease
Liver Disease
The liver is a vital organ in the body that is responsible for the excretion of fats, filtering the blood, storage of essential vitamins, production of healthy red blood cells and metabolizing medications in the body. The liver also carries out the purification process, removing toxins from the body. Damage to the liver may be due to bacterial or viral infections, alcoholism and overloading of processing toxins from the body. The liver becomes inflamed and becomes scarred, making it unable to fulfill its basic functions. Liver diseases have symptoms of jaundice, skin problems, headaches, irritation, mood swings, irritable bowel movements and a drop in weight or appetite.
Nicotine Patch
A nicotine patch is often used by smokers who want to quit smoking. It is a transdermal patch that releases controlled amounts of nicotine into the skin, thereby entering the bloodstream. The nicotine patch helps prevent a smoker from craving nicotine as the body is supplied with minimal amounts, much lower than they would get from actually smoking tobacco or cigarettes. The patch can prevent withdrawal from smoking and avert the withdrawal symptoms that often discourage quitting.
The use of a nicotine patch has significant benefits to individuals with liver disease. Smokers with liver disease are at risk of developing complications as the liver is incapable of filtering nicotine in the body due to the decreased capacity from the liver condition. With the use of nicotine patches, only a minimal amount of nicotine is present in the body, and this controls the load of the liver process required until the smoker finally learns to quit smoking. The patch discourages the cravings for cigarettes or tobacco, thereby reducing the nicotine load that the liver needs to process.
It is imperative to quit smoking at day one of using the patch. Its use, when coupled with smoking or any forms of tobacco may impose health problems. The patch is also contraindicated among pregnant women. Nicotine patches alter the effects of medications, and it is important to inform the physician about any present illness.
Using the Patch
Take the patch out of its sealed package when you are ready to use it. The patch must be placed on dry skin, preferably without any hair. The side of the upper arm and the stomach are ideal body areas where the patch can be placed. One can wear the patch between 16 to 24 hours. It is important to put the patch on a different body area each day and to avoid using the same area for at least a week.