How to Start a Drug Rehabilitation Center
Find out what guidelines have to be met. State and local health authorities, as well as business licensing branches, will have a list of prerequisites that a clinic will have to meet in order to be a drug rehabilitation center. They will be able to tell you what standards of care the center will have to meet, and what level of certification the employees who work there will need to have in order for the clinic to be licensed. Once these prerequisites are met, obtain the license.
Find a location. It's recommended that drug rehabilitation centers be built in quieter areas that have fewer distractions. However, in places like large cities this may not always be an option. Generally speaking though, quieter areas with adequate space are better. If the building is not already in place, it should be built.
Hire staff and work out treatment plans. Drug rehabilitation centers require orderlies, nurses, doctors, and dozens of other types of employees to keep them running smoothly. Additionally, the treatment options that the center will offer need to be worked out ahead of time, and the doctors need to know what the procedures are for different patients.
Review everything. Make sure that all proper licensing has been obtained and that all necessary inspections have been conducted. Make sure that all necessary staff are on board, and all of the facilities are working properly. Once everything has been checked and re-checked, then the rehabilitation center can open for business.