What Works for Alcohol Addiction?
According to the Mayo Clinic, people that suffer from alcohol addiction usually fall into the addiction gradually. The addiction occurs over time as the body begins to crave alcohol more and more.
Psychiatric Help
One-way to eliminate an alcohol addiction is to treat the psychiatric problem associated with the addiction. Some people use alcohol as a form of self-medication for problems like anxiety, personality or mood disorders.
Residential Treatment
The Mayo Clinic suggests residential treatment centers for those who need help for an alcohol addiction. During a residential treatment program individuals go through detoxification, obtain medical treatment and receive psychological support.
Alcoholics Anonymous
One treatment that has worked for people with an alcohol addiction is the Alcoholics Anonymous organization. The Alcoholic Anonymous (AA) group provides a supportive place for people to share their experiences, problems and one another maintain sobriety.
According to the Treatment Solution Network, working to treat alcohol addiction is a long and involved process. Fortunately, there are multiple treatment options available for individuals suffering from alcohol addiction.