Daily Steps to Control Alcohol or Drug Addiction
Higher Power
Recognize that you need the power of someone higher than yourself. A strong spiritual commitment to God as you understand him can give you the foundation for recovery. No one can break the chains of addiction through mere will power. A faith inspired transformation of your character is needed for you to keep off drugs and alcohol. Many addicts start the day in prayer to God to help them make it one day at a time.
Having a mentor or sponsor has helped many addicts stay clean. In the twelve step programs newcomers select a person they communicate well with and trust to serve as and adviser in the recovery process. When a recovering alcoholic or drug addict feels the need to use he or she can call his sponsor to get encouragement and support knowing that someone cares about their recovery. They do not want to damage the trust and time committed to them by their sponsor by having a relapse.
Many addicts read spiritual and inspirational literature dealing with recovery issues. They work through the 12 steps of recovery with their sponsor and think about issues related to their addiction. By learning a new way of thinking they can choose a different course of action. They realize that their current lifestyle will just lead them to further problems including jail, mental illness, and possibly death. By programming their thinking with clear truth about drugs and alcohol they can choose alternate activities that are more life giving.