How to Help an Alcoholic at Home
Helping Alcoholics
Love the alcoholic no matter what. This is the perpetual rule of helping a person addicted to alcohol. If you give up on her or show her disrespect, it will not help her at all and may even worsen her situation. Do not tolerate abuse from an alcoholic, but try to be open to him at all times. Remember that he doesn't drink because he enjoys it anymore, but because he is addicted.
Tell the alcoholic that you want to help her, and that you will do anything. An alcoholic will refuse help at first, and for a while will deny that she even has a problem. But if you don't give up, and you actually prove to the alcoholic that you mean what you say, she will eventually see her situation for what it is and will get help.
Keep your word, and do everything in your power to help the alcoholic. Breaking the addiction is largely an individual process, but support and encouragement is going to help him. Be the support he needs you to be until he's broken his addiction. But remember that an alcoholic must never drink a drop of alcohol ever again. Be a constant example of self-control and positivity as long as he's in your home.