What Problems Can Drug & Alcohol Abuse Cause?
Substance-abusing caregivers may spend money allocated for food or clothing for children. Substance abusers may divert money from rent or mortgages to buy substances. They also quickly spend any type of savings or earned money to obtain more of the substance.
The U.S. Department of Justice reports that in 2004, "17% of state prisoners and 18% of federal inmates said they committed their current offense to obtain money for drugs." The strong need they feel to continue using drugs/alcohol causes addicts to do things they would never do normally.
The emotional turmoil caused by alcoholism and drug abuse is extreme. As the substances alter brain chemistry, the abuser is left with an imbalanced brain and may experience a whirlwind of emotions such, as depression, sadness, agitation, anger, etc.
Many alcoholics and drug abusers lose their jobs as they spiral further and further out of control into addiction.
As loved ones begin to distrust those who abuse alcohol and drugs, the user tends to find they are alone, thus exacerbating their abuse even further.
If you or someone you know is abusing drugs and/or alcohol, find local treatment centers and speak to a counselor who is specially trained to help people by guiding them in the right direction, be it to a treatment center or for therapy.