Substance Abuse Intervention & Prevention Grants
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA) is a federal agency that offers grant funding to building resilience against drug problems and promoting recovery for people who have substance use disorders. The grants that this agency offer are primarily for state and non-profit treatment facilities to use in gaining valuable knowledge from proven research with promoting recovery for individuals with substance abuse disorders. They also provide other grants that help to address the need for facility expansion of drug treatment centers and for offender re-entry programs. To find out more about this program, contact the Office of Program Services, Division of Grants, within the SAMHSA organization.
National Organizations
The National Clearing House for Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI) disseminates valuable data about drug prevention, intervention, and treatment for many people. This organization directs individuals to federally grant funded substance abuse programs located in their area. Agencies such as the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) and programs such as the National Youth Anti Drug Media Campaign are two particular organizations that utilize this grant funding to carry out the government objectives for substance abuse.
State Prisons
According to prison officials with the New York penal system, three of four inmates need substance abuse treatment. Many prisons at the federal and state level experience this problem. The federal government offers the Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for State Prisoners Program. Federal and state prisons can implement this grant funded plan in order to treat inmates for substance abuse and recovery.
Hundreds of foundational organizations throughout the United States offer grants for substance abuse intervention and prevention. These grants are usually made out to non-profit organizations that work with drug addiction and community based treatment facilities. Some of the organizations include Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), Cocaine Anonymous Inc., and International Lawyers in Alcoholic Anonymous to name a few. The American Legacy Foundation is an example of this type of organization that makes grant funding available to ensure that new and better tobacco control programs are created.
Any person in need of substance abuse treatment will not directly receive grant money from an organization for that purpose. Individuals have to apply with a treatment facility or program and use the services that it offers. Private insurance may cover some of the cost associated with treatment programs and grant funding can go a long way to reducing those overall cost. Each person should check with a particular drug treatment agency or program to see how grant funding could help their particular situation.