How Can Drug Abuse Be Eliminated?
Drug abuse is a dangerous cycle that actually causes chemical changes in the brain. The drug abuser's impulse to use gets stronger and stronger. Without help, relationships are destroyed and lives can be lost. The big question is how can drug abuse be eliminated?
Begin with Yourself
It's not unusual for people to turn to drugs and alcohol as a form of recreation and entertainment at parties and even casual gatherings. If you're a parent, start by setting a good example by not allowing drugs or alcohol in your home. You will not be effective at keeping your own children from experimenting with drugs if they know that you do it; if you live in the same house, it's unlikely that you will be able to hide it from them. You are the best example for your children.
If you are a child surrounded by peers who think nothing of experimenting with drugs, you have to make the decision not to become a follower. Some people might make fun of you for not giving drugs a try, but think beyond the moment to your future. If you end up hooked on drugs or alcohol, you could end up in a downward spiral leading nowhere.
Surround Yourself with Like-Minded People
This advice is inspired from the 12 Steps to recovery for recovering drug addicts. Experts know how important it is for drug addicts to stop associating with friends who may still use drugs and instead find new friends who will support their new, sober lifestyle.
It can be really hard to resist doing something you know is wrong when you're the only one not doing it. You feel singled out and all alone. That's why it's so important to find others to hang out with who are also committed to staying drug free. Knowing that you are not alone makes it much easier to say no to drug abuse.
Stay Busy and Creative
Sometimes people fall victim to drug abuse because they think it will relieve boredom or loneliness. Unfortunately, the more you use drugs the more dependant you become, and you could wind up with a real problem.
There are lots of ways to have fun. When you keep busy doing something you really enjoy, you're less likely to turn to drugs. Learn to play an instrument, paint, sculpt, join a drama club, book club, dance class, or a sport. Drugs can destroy your body and your mind. Choose activities that will enhance your natural talents, not hinder them.