Methadone Detox Tips
Choose the Right Clinic
As with detox centers, not every methadone clinic is the same. The National Alliance for Medication Assisted Recovery lists all methadone clinics within the United States along with their contact information. If you live in or near a major city, you will have a choice of centers with varied treatment options. If you are not near a major city, you may need to relocate to attend a certified methadone treatment center. According to the Methadone Treatment website, there are over 10,000 methadone centers in the U.S. Some treatment centers may require a patient to pay out-of-pocket expenses, but other clinics are able to provide alternative funding options.
Break the Heroin Habit
Methadone works with the body to make the receptors in the brain less active when heroin is introduced within the body. Because of this, users who are still taking heroin will find themselves using a higher dosage of this narcotic to obtain the same effects. Those who continue to use heroin while on a methadone detox will spend a large amount of money attempting to gain the same high. If you are unwilling to break your heroin habit, it is advised to not go on methadone maintenance.
Do Not Socialize Within the Clinic
Methadone maintenance is not only used to detox the body from heroin, but also to help rebuild a life outside of the social confines of this drug. Avoid socializing with the clients of a methadone clinic. Instead, focus your attention on rebuilding your life outside of this narcotic. Think of a methadone clinic as a gateway to your new life, not a new chapter in your social life.
Maintain a Low Dose
Within a methadone clinic, you are able to obtain different dosage levels of methadone. While a higher level of methadone may help ward off heroin withdrawal symptoms, it will increase the body's dependence on the new substance. Keep your methadone dosages as low as possible, which will allow you to easily transition into your final detox--removing all narcotics from your system. However, maintain a proper dose to satisfy your withdrawal symptoms so you do not return to using heroin. Speak with a clinic adviser about the appropriate dosage levels and inform him of your long-term goal, which is to be completely free from heroin and methadone.