Herbal Detox for Painkiller Withdrawal
What to Expect
Withdrawal symptoms from painkillers can vary from person to person, but there are common ones that most people can expect to suffer from. These include anxiety, pain, trouble sleeping, gastrointestinal problems, depression, cold or flu-like problems, fatigue and weight gain or loss. While certain herbs can help relieve these symptoms, seek the help of a doctor or emergency care if symptoms worsen or become unbearable.
Anxiety and Insomnia
When withdrawing from painkillers, two main symptoms are anxiety and insomnia. There are two herbs that can help with these issues: valerian root and Kava Kava. Valerian root works well as both a pain killer and a sedative and can help calm the nerves while someone withdraws from painkillers. Kava Kava works for anxiety issues as well, and can also help when a person is suffering from insomnia.
Gastrointestinal Problems
Many withdrawal symptoms include problems with the stomach, such as nausea and diarrhea. The use of ginger and peppermint teas can help quell nausea symptoms in many people, and these herbs are easily found in most grocery stores as herbal teas. They can also be taken in capsule form.
Chinese Herbs
Two Chinese herbs have been known to help alleviate the symptoms of painkiller withdrawal. These are oyster shell and Bupleurum/dragon bone, and they are useful for many symptoms. These include the reduction of stress, insomnia, restlessness and headaches. The ingredients found in these two herbs, Chai hu and Bupleurum, have also been known to have a positive, detoxifying effect on the liver.
St. John's Wort
One huge symptom of painkiller withdrawal is depression. The herb St. John's wort has been used in Europe for centuries as a depression and anxiety reliever and has been gaining in popularity in the United States and elsewhere. St. John's wort can help those who are suffering from depression or generalized anxiety feel better and will help induce peace of mind.