What Are the Major Types of Drugs?
Depressants slow the functions of the central nervous system. People who use the drugs often experience lowered inhibitions, a lack of concentration and/or feelings of euphoria. The category of depressants includes GHB, barbiturates, alcohol, Rohypnol and Valium.
Stimulants, such as cocaine, nicotine, Ritalin, amphetamines and methamphetamines, can cause people to become overly alert, attentive and energetic.
Dissociative Anesthetics
Dissociative anesthetics, which include ketamine and PCP, often cause people to have decreased motor functions and become violent. They sometimes also experience feelings of euphoria and/or sleepiness or distorted perceptions of reality.
Cannabinoids, such as marijuana and hashish, can cause people to have feelings of euphoria, problems with balance and coordination and/or a slowed ability to think and react.
Hallucinogens are drugs that affect people's perceptions of reality, ability to think clearly and emotional states. This category of drugs includes LCD, mescaline, and psilocybin.
Opiods, which include codeine, morphine, heroin, opium and acetaminophen, are often used for pain relief. They can also cause feelings of euphoria or sleepiness.