How to Restore Opiate Receptors
Drug addiction from opiate-based substances is one of the hardest addictions to overcome. Opiate receptors in the body, which consist of cellular membrane proteins that are activated by opiate compounds, can become clogged over long-term use of opiates. Significant therapy is sometimes needed to restore these receptors to their natural state by using special medicines in drug treatment facilities. Cleaning and restoring opiate receptors may take some time, but with a little basic knowledge anybody can start a healthy new life and naturally restore their own opiate receptors.Things You'll Need
- Polygala herbal supplement
- Bupleurum and Dragonbone herbal supplement
- Rehabilitation clinic
Buy herbal supplement blends that are proven to help treat addiction. Polygala, a chinese herbal remedy, has been called the willpower herb because of the positive effects it's had on treating hardcore addictions, its stress-relieving properties and its ability to help increase the healthy balance of chemicals in the brain. This herb naturally detoxifies the body and helps cleanse opiate receptors.
Try using a Bupleurum and Dragonbone supplement mixture. During opiate withdrawal and detox, this herbal supplement has been found to help stabilize addictive behavior or compulsiveness and reduce the severity of withdrawal while dulling the cravings for opiates. This supplemental blend also naturally cleanses the proteins that make up opiate receptors.
Enter a drug rehabilitation center that utilizes the "Waismann Method of Accelerated Neuro-Regulation." This process includes a detoxification program that allows a patient to sleep comfortably through his withdrawal under light anesthesia while gentle medications are used to help cleanse and restore opiate receptors.
Restore opiate receptors by abstaining from opiate usage. Over time the receptor proteins will regenerate and become normal again. This amount of time will fluctuate, depending upon the person's history of opiate usage. It could take as little as a couple of weeks or last longer than one year, depending on the severity of the addiction.