What Helps Opiate Withdrawal Symptoms?
opiates include but are not limited to: Oxycontin, Oxycodone, Percocet, Lortab, Demerol, Fentanyl, Codeine, Dilaudid, Morphine, Tylenol 3, Methadone and Heroin. These drugs are all extremely physically and psychologically addicting. When trying to overcome an opiate addiction, the patient experiences debilitating physical symptoms.
How Long Do Opiates Stay in Your System
Opiates are metabolized in the liver and excreted by the kidneys with 95 percent excretion within 24 hours of taking the drugs. Morphine traces can be found in the urine for one to three days after use.
Who Uses Opiates?
The major medical use of these drugs is for pain relief. The illegal uses of these drugs is mainly for recreational use. Physical tolerance and dependence can develop in persons taking them in larger doses than were prescribed which may lead to addiction.
How Long Before Withdrawal Occurs
Withdrawal is generally not life-threatening. Severity and onset of withdrawal will depend upon the specific drug used, the time between doses and the duration of use. The onset of withdrawal is sometimes within 24 hours of the last dose, however, time-released preparations such as Oxycontin will have an onset of withdrawal that is longer. The acute phase generally peaks in 72 hours and gradually subsides in seven to 10 days, with some symptoms occasionally lasting for weeks.
Some of these symptoms are the following: diarrhea, dilated pupils, fever, high blood pressure, irritability and insomnia and bad muscle spasms, which is where the phrase "kick the habit " comes from. Also goose bumps may appear all over the skin, which is where the phrase "cold turkey" originates.
Treatments and Help
Treatments for these symptoms vary on a case-by-case basis. Clonadine patches are frequently prescribed for high blood pressure. Muscle relaxants may be given if spasms are very bad. They should also encourage self-massage and warm shower/bath to relieve muscle cramping. Reduction in caffeine and cigarette smoking is advised to promote restful sleep. Also, patients should follow up with treatment for addiction and attend 12 Step support groups, such as Narcotics Anonymous. The powerful high from these drugs has a strong psychological addiction that leads to user recidivism.