Alcohol & Drug Counseling Topics & Activities for Groups

Rehabilitation and counseling are crucial for anyone overcoming addiction and dependency to drugs and alcohol. A major part of this is alcohol and drug rehab groups, in which mental health and addiction counselors help those affected see the consequences and effects their addiction has on themselves, their life and others.
  1. Long-Term Consequences

    • Counseling topics for drug and alcohol groups should include a discussion on the long-term medical effects resulting from substance use and abuse. For example, liver damage, stroke, cancers, mental health disorders and heart attacks are possible if drug and alcohol abuse is not stopped.

    The Brain's Effects

    • Addiction to alcohol and drugs affects the brain in many ways. Charts, visual aids and explanations of how these substances affect the many regions of the brain should be used to educate addicts.

    Treatment Options

    • A crucial topic in drug and alcohol counseling groups is the availability of treatment options. Many choices exist, such as therapeutic communities and cognitive-behavioral therapies, and even some medications, such as naltrexone, are available to help with dependence.

    Coping Mechanisms

    • Members of alcohol and drug counseling groups should be taught coping mechanisms that allow them to fight their cravings. Relaxation and meditation exercises are especially helpful for those trying to live a life free from alcohol and drugs.

    Outdoor Activities

    • Outdoor activities teach addicts about the recovery process. For example, strength and perseverance are two principles they can learn by having their alcohol and drug counseling group perform an outdoor ropes course or other challenge.

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