What Are the Treatments for Alcohol Dependence?
Modern alcohol dependence treatment evolved from views in the early 20th century, when alcohol dependence was accepted as being a disease. Before this, the morality model, which viewed alcohol dependence as being a poor personal choice, and the temperance model, which emphasized the importance of prohibition, were commonly held views.
Types of alcohol dependence treatment include medications, counseling, self-help materials and support groups. Inpatient and residential treatment centers provide additional services, including detoxification and assistance with life skills to return to the community.
Medications used for treating alcohol dependence include naltrexone, acamprosate and disulfiram. Naltrexone and acamprosate act on chemicals in the brain that are associated with addiction. Disulfiram causes feelings of nausea when alcohol is consumed, and according to a 2001 study by Dr. John Sinclair, PhD, is typically less effective than naltrexone or acamprosate.
For treatment to be successful, a strong desire to cease alcohol use must be present. Treatment alone is not very effective at preventing future alcohol use, according to a study by University of Miami scientists published in the Open Access journal.
Mental Illness
According to the Center for Mental Health Services, individuals with a mental illness are about twice as likely to have alcohol dependence than the general population. According to a 1990 study by the National Institute of Mental Health, mental health treatment in conjunction with addictions treatment improves success rates of alcohol treatment.