Courage in Addiction Recovery
Reach Out and Ask Someone
Reaching out for help is imperative. You must be willing to reach out and ask for help. For some people, this is one of the hardest things to do. However, if you reach the point where you cannot do it on your own, you should ask for assistance with your recovery.
Follow Through with Your Decision To Stop
Following through with your decision to quit is the hardest challenge. Perhaps the most courage you are going to have to find within yourself is the courage to follow through with your decision to quit. It is tough to begin a recovery program, but going through with it is even harder.
It Takes Courage to Make a Commitment
Don't doubt that you can do it. Commitment, which takes courage and determination, is required to recover from your addictions.
Change Your Life
Change is necessary and good. Recovering from addiction requires an individual to make many changes to her lifestyle. This can be a huge task, as changing a way of life that is comfortable or familiar to something that is new takes great courage.
Just Say No
Have the strength to say no. Whatever your addiction is, you will be tempted to use again. Consequently, your courage must not stop at reaching out for help; you must have the courage to say no when temptation rears its head.